November 2013

Alpha Sigma got an early jumpstart to this year’s rush season. With numerous brothers living locally, the active chapter had the opportunity to start recruitment over the summer with some informal activities. Last year, this approach proved very effective, as we recruited a pledge class of 18 men. Last year’s pledge class—described as close-knit, smart […]

November 2010

Alpha Sigma Alumni Association is currently seeking volunteers looking to get back involved with Kappa Alpha at Georgia Tech. We currently have 10 volunteers (Jeremy Hammerton ’91, Mark Tiller ’90, Trav Carter ’77, myself, Stephen Moore ’01, Jacob Dearolph ’99, Clay Zielinski ’01, David King ’02, Chip Stansfield and Ward Broom ’81) and are looking […]

Fall 2008

The Alpha Sigma Alumni Council remains active in supporting the chapter’s operations since the last report. We held our first meeting of the fall semester in September and had a great turn out of over a dozen alumni brothers interested in helping out. We are always interested in getting more alumni involved so if you […]

June 2008

The 2007-2008 academic year was one of refocusing for the Alpha Sigma Alumni Council. A strong pledge class of 18 in the fall of 2007 and a renewed approach to chapter operations was the overriding mantra leading into the year. Mark Tiller ’92 and I continue to work toward efficiently managing the operations and maintenance […]