Alvin Adcock
Sam Magruder
Hubert Sullins
Philip Brewster
John Davis
Lewis Figh
Richard Marlar
Tom Nixon
Benjamin Stevens
Robert Tippett
Charles Cammack
Franklin Chalmers
Paul Crawford
Robert Gill
Joe Haas
John James
James Keelin
James Milner
Dan Neighbors
Edwin Nelson
Gene Rice
Albert Roberts
Charles Williams
Alphonse Boissy
Charles Fethe
James Holmes
Eugene Horne
George Hyrne
William Luckett
Charles Moreton
Frank Rauton
Thomas Ray
William Walters
Thomas Williams
Raymond Wood
Roger Bostick
H. Clay Moore
Lamar Roberts
Lee Webb
James Bland
Charles Gardner
B. Irwin Grimes
Edward Jones
James Luter
Robert Ramsey
George Spivey
Sterling Weems
James Williams
Warren Willingham
Charles Barlow
Walter Byrd
Edgar Chambers
James Feltham
Robert Jinright
W. Johnson
George McKinley
Jimmie Phillips
Charles Swaney
Jack Woodall
Robert Bush
Charles Ritchie
Lawrence Sanders
James Trimble
Hamilton Arnall
John Carley
James Cooper
William Culpepper
Richard Farmer
Dawson Hall
Gerald Hilton
George Norwood
Wilmer Paine
George Poole
Wayne Reece
Dee Sullins
Joseph Tannehill
Jack Worrell
Nelson Arrington
Charles Averett
F. Bell
Arthur Gazaway
Walter Grant
Charles Hollberg
George May
Howard Melton
William Patton
James Powers
John Whitner
Lon Alexander
Ernest Bie
Joe Burns
Robert Burns
George Chandler
Hobson Coleman
Edward Crudup
F. Rainey
Morgan Schuessler
Thomas Shapard
G. Turner
Clarence Tutt
Arthur Walls
John Woolf
Mark Akins
Fred Bowyer
William Loudermilk
Jack Owen
Charles Schwaner
Will Smith
Henry Snead
David Tisinger
Dan Albritton
Carl Blomquist
Frank Chew
Ronald Edmondson
William Horton
Robert King
Robert Segrest
John Williamson
James Beard
Stewart Huey
S. Howard McKinley
John Reed
Wilbur Bosarge
Charles Dunlap
Philip Geren
Max Wright
Ken Dane
Donald Nichols
Howard Hall
John McLean
Cheney Bryan
George Corbin
Denny Henderson
Philip Kirkland
Dennis Mayo
Claude Shook
Philip Skidmore
Charles Wallace
Jeffrey Barnes
John Devine
Cleabert Farabee
Don Hamilton
William Harrell
James Kelly
James Maddox
James Oliver
Gerald Pusser
Melvin Thompson
Nimrod Buster
James Jackson
Cecil Maxwell
Robert Nabell
Roger Starr
George Thompson
Henry TRUE
James Applegate
William Demetree
William Hood
John Lumpkin
James Massey
Harry Harvin
Terry Hines
Lyle Hyde
David McCowen
John Rose
Clifford Stovall
Thomas Berry
Fred Davenport
Terry Garber
Larry Gurley
William Kemp
James Roddy
Donald Shearouse
Richard Waller
Louis Crouch
Gary Cunningham
James Eager
David Gell
Robert Hughes
John Miller
James Patrick
Samuel Severance
Francis Smith
Gregory Barnes
Arthur Foster
Robert Harrison
Christopher Johnson
Edward Parkes
Thomas Sams
Kenneth Groover
John Morris
William Reese
Robert Rushton
David Stancil
Robert Berry
Eric Hedrick
John Killey
Robert Lee
David Stephens
Chris Walker
James Weaver
John Allgood
William Cooper
Stephen Fox
L. McEwan
Charles Miller
Thurman Sensing
William Walker
James Wheeler
Jimmy Berry
Richard Bywater
Lawrence Cowgill
Robert Graham
Edgar Kopp
Robert Mask
Christopher Walker
Thomas Weber
R. Halliday
William Hudson
Bradford Milner
R. Pardue
Leslie Burch
Donald Chabot
Mark Leahy
George Rich
David Alexander
Richard Beard
James Guyer
Robert Hume
Clifford Meagh
Clifford Milner
Vickery Rice
Ray Toomey
Lee Maxwell
Phillip Nelson
Thomas Owen
Mark Peterson
William Lowry
Anthony Randazzo
Jacob Wamsley
Franklin Williams
Scot Greenlee
Russell Mace
James McCarthy
Robert Palmatier
James Rogers
Mark Smith
Daniel Bottenfield
Carlton Bryant
Darryl Dykes
Pamela Kohn
Howard Mitchell
William Coley
Thomas Howell
William Jennings
Jeff Terry
David Tinkey
Nicholas Weber
Thomas Whittaker
Bruce Benton
Jack Evans
Jerry Jarrett
Doug Ford
John Geiger
Hal Shinn
Christopher Haygood
Stephen Lambert
Gordon Laville
Norman McCrary
W. Smythe
Donald Evans
Richard Wylot
James Anderson
Martin Howell
Harold Stafford
Bentley Tison
Charles Trimble
Cary Abod
Hugh Brown
Garrett DeVries
Charles Nolan
Barry Bowman
William Howarth
Charles Langford
Charles Nash
Matthew Rose
Daniel Sheppard
Stephen Brown
Flin Coleman
George Hamby
Curtis Holloway
Boone Lo
Jeffrey Tennyson
Gregory Creel
Jay Dlugos
John Gunn
James Sams
Michael Tibbs
Jamie Walden
Billy Harton
Todd Lupo
Jason Peek
Kevin Whigham
Sean Dacey
Michael Garrett
Chad Hodges
John Lewis
Michael Power
W. Peterson
Bradley Bedford
Gregory DeLoach
Christopher Leerssen
Jacob Smrekar
Edwin Hansen
Buck Watkins
Ernest Watkins
Jim Berry
Charles Clark
Will Wilkins
Frank Brown
John Grosshans
Frank Mummert
John Foss
Jason Koch
Kris Mickelson
Jonathon Shroer
Gregory Smith
Matt Weibring
Stefano Danese
John McCarty
Brandt Meyer
Joseph Ross
John Bush
Peter Walker
Graham Roberts
Justin Rouch
Brandon Ames
Phillip Flinn
Wilson Kieffer
Larry McWilliams
Henry Carroll
Joseph Dennis
Maxwell Hardage
Robert McEntyre
William Casaday
Robert Pirkle
Brinson Thomas
Taylor Dodson
Gordon Pendleton
Whit Russell
Andy Stroman
James Walters
Andrew Rowland
Steven Abney
Daniel Adams
Thomas Aderhold
Silas Allen
Douglas Altenbern
David Anderson
Howard Antle
Haralson Argo
Guy Arnall
Assistant to the Vice President of Student Services
Clifford Atkinson
Melrose Avery
C. Bahrt
George Bailey
James Baker
Willon Bass
Lewis Beck
Rudolph Bennor
David Black
Richard Bliss
David Boatright
Shawn Boles
Miner Bonwell
George Borzynski
Robert Boswell
Milton Bowling
Thomas Bratton
Robert Brooks
Sterling Brown
Charles Brown
William Burkhart
David Burnett
Jeff Burrell
Walter Burrus
Hilliard Burt
Frank Butler
William Butts
Thomas Campbell
Jason Capito
James Carlen
Ryan Carroll
John Chadwick
I. Chastain
Hunter Chauvin
Thomas Childs
Allyn Choate
Gregg Cohn
Robert Cole
Samuel Cole
Ashton Collins
William Connell
Harry Cook
Buck Cooke
Michael Crawford
Reed Crocker
Edward Culver
Jeffrey Cunningham
Charles Davis
Wilmer Davis
Robert Davison
Austin Dodson
William Donahue
John Donlon
John Durham
James Dymek
Roger Dysart
Colie Dyson
Mark Eastland
Steven Elmore
John Erwin
Thomas Erwin
Lamar Eubanks
Michael Fernandez
Douglass Fontaine
John Ford
John Fowler
Kappa Fraternity
Samuel Freeman
Michael Freeman
James Fuller
Justin Fuller
R. Futrell
San Gaido
Harry Garwood
Henry Gilbert
Paul Grier
Jack Hanson
Gary Harrison
Dallas Haupt
Chris Helmick
Bernard Hemphill
Stephen Henderson
W. Henry
Jeremy Hill
James Hill
Eric Hill
H. Hill
Mark Hilley
Chadwick Holleman
Evan Hopf
Joel Horne
Jay Houston
William Houston
Samuel Howard
Robert Ingalls
William Jarrard
Larry Johnson
Mark Jones
Arthur Jones
Jesse Jordan
Jay Jorgensen
John Jungman
Kappa Alpha Reunion
Tanner Karr
Charles Kerr
W. King
Daniel Kirby
Matthew Koch
Alfred Lamb
John Lancaster
Robert Lane
Conor Lange
Robert Laughlin
Daniel Lee
Matthew Lisenby
John Lloyd
Jason Lopp
Jerome Lucera
George Mackay
Bryan Marsh
Ward Marshall
Howard Martin
William Martin
Barry Mathis
H. McCullough
Robert McDonnell
David McGehee
David McGowen
Henry McKay
Timothy McKee
Donald McLellan
Paul Menk
Sam Mercer
James Merritt
Landon Meyer
Jerry Montgomery
Frederick Moore
James Moreton
Larry Morris
Thomas Moss
Robert Moulton
Bruns Myers
William Neville
Geoffrey Nielson
James Nolan
Larkin Nolen
William Norman
Kappa Order
Hayes Parker
Todd Patman
Gregory Patterson
Henry Peabody
George Peagler
Albert Pearce
Henry Pipes
Evan Pool
John Preston
James Preston
Ryan Pritchett
Taylor Raese
Stephen Ragains
William Ramsey
John Rhode
Alfred Robinson
Preston Rowland
Ralph Saffer
John Sanders
William Scaife
Herbert Schomburg
Frank Searl
William Shy
Jerry Slade
Montgomery Smith
Andrew Smith
Drew Smith
Scott Smith
Will Stein
Winfred Stelzer
Henry Stewart
David Stires
James Stockton
John Stone
Scotty Strunk
Eric Sunderman
Joseph Tarbe
Judson Taylor
Otis Thompson
Dale Thompson
Rufus Tidwell
Thomas Tolbert
Clifford Tribble
Council Tucker
George Underwood
James Vance
Andrew Vlass
Barrett Walker
Kenneth Watson
Edgar Weeks
Allan Wesley
Charles Westbrook
Edward Whitfield
Kenneth Whittington
Erick Whitworth
Bert Wilkins
Spencer Williams
Fred Winton
Herbert Worth
Harvey Wright
Christopher Wright
Everett Yon
Kenneth Young
James Baker Jr.
Nicholas Flint
Russell Gardner
James Grindstaff
John Hooie
Bennett Humphries
Elliot Love
Alden Macarthur
Alexander Marshall
Austin Schendl
Harrison Tyler
Aaron Wasserman