David McCandless Says KA Experience Teaches Many Valuable Lessons

KA has undoubtedly changed our lives and provided us with leadership skills that have benefited our professional success. David McCandless ’11 said, “Through KA, I learned to respect the chain of command, how to empower people, that change does happen but sometimes takes time, and to choose your battles wisely. The most important things I gained from the experience were my bigger brother leading me to Christ, saving money on food and housing, and leadership skills. If I hadn’t joined, I might have a different group of friends from college.” 

After graduating with high honors and winning the ChBE senior design competition in the spring of 2015, David used his Stamps Leadership Scholarship and spent a month in Oman studying Arabic. “In June, I started work with Schulmberger and continued learning the language by spending time with Arabic co-workers. Now, I write from a high-profile assignment in Saudi Arabia. My now conversational Arabic has given me much flavor with local employees and was instrumental in landing me a position on the team,” he said. 

Tell us about your KA experience. What did you learn? How did it benefit you? Click here to share your response.