Alpha Sigma Chapter needs your support

When you arrived at Georgia Tech, you were ready for the academic challenge of one of the great technical schools in the world. However, you still weren’t quite satisfied. So you looked for something more. You found what was missing at Alpha Sigma Chapter, through the brotherhood of Kappa Alpha Order.

Does this sound like you? If so, we need your help.

Through the years, we have accomplished so much through you and brothers like you. Men who care about brotherhood, about friendship, about the house that we still call home. There’s so much more we can do, but we need continued support.

We’re at the halfway point of our giving year, and Alpha Sigma Chapter is doing great! But we’re not there yet. We have a goal of reaching 50 donors for this year, and right now we’re only at 31.

With your help, we can surpass our goals. Think of all the great things you experienced being a member of KA: lifelong friendship, tailgates, adventures, parties. In short, memories that will last a lifetime. These are all things that we enjoyed, and we want to make certain that future generations can enjoy them as well.

Please contribute to Alpha Sigma Chapter by going here today. And thank you to all of those who have contributed.