Joseph Satterfield’s ’10 KA Brothers Provide Support During One of Life’s Toughest Moments

On October 24, brother Joseph Satterfield ’10 was getting ready to board a plane when he suffered a stroke. He is currently recovering at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, where he has been living and working as a medical engineer for the past few years. Joseph is currently regaining function of his right arm and leg and will be undergoing intense physical and speech therapy in the coming months.

As Joseph’s brothers, we want to help him focus on getting better and not have to worry about medical bills and other costs. Joseph’s family has set up a GoFundMe page and raised a total of $3,190 so far from fellow brothers and others close to him. Click here to visit the page and make a contribution. We thank you for any support you can provide to assist Joseph with the financial costs of his recovery.